Lessons in Love Be The 1st to get “31.5 Lessons In Love” eBook, A Fool-Proof Guide to Everlasting Love! Send Me The Goods!!! Lessons in Love: Your Roadmap to Happiness Finding love in general is no small feat, and once you found love, you must learn how to keep love alive. Finding and keeping love is a full time job, but it doesn’t have to feel like one (and it shouldn’t). So here we are going to share with you some of the best dating, love and relationship advice through our ‘Lessons in Love’ ebook as well as numerous blogs and videos to help you along your journey to finding and keeping ‘the one’. Here is some incredibly powerful (and free!) love and relationship advice! (This will surely revive your DATING life and enhance your MARRIED life!) Do you ever wish there were a guidebook for dating, a comprehensive list of the various pitfalls and methods to avoid them? You need some “find me love” bullet points, and that’s exactly what Lessons in Love is offering. Rather than endlessly perusing the local bookstore, scooping up whatever literary gruel People or Cosmo happens to be serving, how about receiving a newsletter packed with strategies and insights into managing and cultivating lasting meaningful relationships? Then you absolutely need to grab 31.5 Lessons in Love is fool-proof guide to ever lasting love. Drop your name and email below to receive “31.5 Lessons in Love”, a Fool-Proof Guide To Everlasting Love, a free eBook. Stay Connected and Be The 1st to get our “31.5 Lessons In Love” E-Book! Send Me The Goods!!!